Greater Loch Raven Recreation Council
Girls Indoor Soccer
General Information
Concussion information can be found at
Age Determination based on or before 08/01/2024.
For more information regarding the program, including the timeline and dates of play, please Click Here.
Leagues Available
- Under 6 (Tykers): Born on August 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020
- Tykers (co-ed) will have one session a week on Saturdays at The Loch Raven Rec Gym on Glen Keith Blvd.
- Under 8: Born on August 1, 2016 or later
- Under 10: Born on August 1, 2014 or later
- Under 12: Born on August 1, 2012 or later
- Under 14: Born on August 1, 2010 or later
- High School: Born 08/01/2006 through 7/31/2010
$65 for all leagues - Includes Jersey to Keep
(Includes non-refundable $5 registration cost)
You Must Supply
Shinguards and indoor soccer/athletic shoes required. No cleats.
Joseph Pyles -
Rob Gray -
Rec Office 410-887-5309
Mission Statement
Loch Raven-IHM Girls Soccer is dedicated to the goals of the Archdiocese of Baltimore Soccer Program "to promote the physical, moral, spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being of our youth participants". We focus on training and player development in a positive learning environment. We measure our success by our players' desire to compete through their enjoyment of the game and their continuous improvement as athletes and team players.
Refund Policy
Refunds will not be issued.