Westminster Wildcats Football and Cheer
Tackle Football
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Adam McLane at westminsterad@gmail.com.
Available Football Teams* (Player's age as of August 1, 2024)
Leagues |
Birth Date Between |
Pitbulls (5-6) |
08/02/2017 through 09/01/2019 |
7U |
08/02/2016 through 08/01/2017 |
8U |
08/02/2015 through 08/01/2016 |
9U |
08/02/2014 through 08/01/2015 |
10U |
08/02/2013 through 08/01/2014 |
11U |
08/02/2012 through 08/01/2013 |
12U |
08/02/2011 through 08/01/2012 |
13U |
08/02/2010 through 08/01/2011 |
*Players will be placed on teams based on age, experience, weight and most importantly - safety!
Older But Lighter (OBL)
If your player is 14-years-old, they may be permitted to register if they qualify for the "Older But Lighter" designation. Please contact Adam McLane for details.
Registration Fees
Football and Game Jersey |
March Early Bird |
$220.00 |
April Early Bird |
$225.00 |
On or After May 1st |
$230.00 |
Registration Discounts Offered
Discounts are $25.00 for each sibling after the first fully paid registration for children living in the same household.
Refund Policy
No refunds will be issued after the first week of practice. All refunds must be submitted in email form to westminsterwildcatsvp@gmail.com by August 5, 2024. Any refund which is issued will be subject to a $10.00 administrative fee. Price of any items ordered prior to the refund request will not be refunded.
Fall 2024
Tackle Football
Registration is now closed