Parkville Recreation Council
Community Events
Putty Hill Flea Market - Fall 2024 (Not Active)
Putty Hill Flea Market - Fall 2024
Session Details

Fall 2024 Putty Hill Park Flea Market
Sponsored by the Parkville Recreation Council, Inc

Saturday, September 14, 2024
8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
(Postponement Date: September 21, 2024)
**Inclement Weather call: 410-372-8169

  1. Donation: $25.00 per 10’ x 10’ space. All registrations must be made online. No registrations will be accepted at the Rec Center.
  2. No refunds will be given.  This is a fundraising event to support the community and we appreciate your support in that endeavor.
  3. Set-up time is 6:00 am. to 8:00 am. (If field conditions and lighting are favorable)
  4. All vendors must check-in upon arrival and will have their ticket/receipt in the dashboard of their car.
  5. All vehicles must be off the field by 8:00 am.
  6. The Parkville Recreation Council reserves the right to refuse entry on the premises or sale thereon of any merchandise that is deemed, in the discretion of the Council, unacceptable.
  7. All vendors are responsible to bring their own tables, stands, chairs or other equipment needed for displaying their merchandise.
  8. All exhibits must be removed by 2:00 pm (With all trash and unsold items taken with you)
  9. NO Vehicles will be allowed on the field between 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. This will be strictly enforced - NO exceptions.
  10. The vendor is solely responsible for collection and payment of any Federal, State or Local taxes, including sales, amusement, admissions or receipt taxes, which may be collectible or payable by reason of its activities under this agreement. 
  11. Vendors are not permitted to sell food or drink. 

Postponement Policy:
Parkville Recreation Council, Inc has the right to postpone and/or cancel the Flea Market for any reason. In the event, there is a need postpone, the Flea Market will be held on the following Saturday. If the postponement date cannot be held for any reason, the Parkville Recreation Council will cancel the Flea Market.

Please visit to reserve your spot.

I acknowledge Baltimore County, Maryland, the Recreation Council, and their respective employees, directors, officers, volunteers, members, and any other participant, entity, party or person involved in any regard with the Activity or the Activity premises, and their respective agents, personal representatives, heirs, employees, contractors, successors, and assigns (each an “Activity Representative” and collectively the “Activity Representatives”), SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE IN ANY REGARD OR MANNER FOR ANY AND ALL PRPORTY DAMAGE OR BODILY INJURY (INCLUDING SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY OR EVEN DEATH) INCURRED BY PARTICIPANT OR ANY PARTY RELATED THERETO AS A RESULT OF HIS/HER PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY.

I have read, fully understand, and hereby freely sign, approve of, and agree to the terms of this Registration form. I HEREBY UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASE, DISCHARGE, CONVENANT NOT TO SUE, WAIVE MY RIGHTS AND REMEDIES, AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS THE ACTIVITY REPRESENTATIVE from any and all claims, costs, demands, losses, damages, or expenses associated with, in whole or in part, participant’s involvements with the Activity.

(You will acknowledge this agreement in the registration form when you submit your registration for the Flea Market space/s.)

Session Registration Restrictions
This session has 26 registrations available out of 150.

League Registration Restrictions
The leagues for this session have registration limits. Below are the current details on their caps:
Putty Hill Flea Market - Fall 2024
26 out of 150 registrations available.
1 Space
No limits on registrations.
2 Spaces
No limits on registrations.
3 Spaces
No limits on registrations.
4 Spaces
No limits on registrations.
5 Spaces
No limits on registrations.
6 Spaces
-1 out of -1 registrations available.
7 Spaces
-1 out of -1 registrations available.
8 Spaces
-1 out of -1 registrations available.
9 Spaces
-1 out of -1 registrations available.
10 Spaces
-1 out of -1 registrations available.

Putty Hill Flea Market - Fall 2024
Putty Hill Flea Market - Fall 2024
Registration is now closed
