Hereford High School Sports Boosters
P.O. Box 411
Monkton, MD 21111
Program Overview

The Hereford Sports Boosters is a volunteer organization made up of concerned parents whose mission is to provide support for Hereford High School athletes and other clubs and activities at the High School. The purpose is to make the students experience as a Hereford Bull a memorable one.

The success of Hereford Sports Boosters depends upon parental involvement and support. This is achieved through volunteer activity, fund raising and attendance and promotion of School activities.

The success of Sports Boosters depends upon parental involvement and support. Membership dues are a modest $50 per family for the year. If you want your child’s high school experience to be fun and memorable, help make it happen by joining Sports Boosters and get involved. Join the boosters today!

Sports Booster Club Meetings

The Sports Boosters generally meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the library at Hereford High School. All parents of Hereford athletes are invited and encouraged to attend!

Below are the current available groups for this program.
Click on the name to get more information and/or to register.